Gemini February 2014 Horoscope prediction:
Yours is a psychologically focused indication and Feb is a psychologically focused 30 days in some ways. The sun, Mercury, and Venus start the 30 days in perceptive Aquarius in your perceptive solar 9th house of choices, knowledge, and preparing for the long run. Your yearly new celestial satellite of choices, knowledge and preparing occurs on the Tenth.
By the 5th, though, Mercury goes into Pisces, your profession indication. It will stay there the relax of the 30 days, switching around and going retrograde on the Twenty third. Mercury will be a part of the sun (as of the 18th), Mars, and Neptune in Pisces.
The effects is that there could be some kind of a unexpected change in route or pattern in a profession issue this 30 days. This could also be in some way relevant to knowledge because your leader Mercury is a significant attract to train and learning – and Jupiter in your own indication right now is an even larger attract to train and learning. If you are actually in university, the impacts beginning in the 30 days bode well for factors like getting high gpa's or doing well on an important examination or document.
If you are not in university, you will need to understand factors a bit more generally. You could think of the month’s impacts as being looking for impacts, and what they are looking for is some kind of objective, something to pursuit, something to be enthusiastic about, something to nourish you, give you significance and a reason to stay, etc.
More particularly what they are looking for is an success, satisfaction, satisfaction, comfyness, and/or elegance. They want to determine an easy way for you to stay and how to make factors in your life go more efficiently. This is not really a short-term trend; it’s a long-term venture in your solar graph. Feb just delivers some of these looking for feelings to a bit of a head as so many planet's group around the top of your graph.