Gemini April 2014 Horoscope prediction:
We have quite the astrology comparison going on in Apr. On the one side, we have plenty of Aries power, the power of springtime, of new lifestyle, of beginning, of satisfied blossoms sproinging from the world. And then we have a lunar surpass in Scorpio, the indication of loss of life, of calmness, of what exactly is invisible, strange, and invisible. I assume that is an astrology contact for stability.
Another way to put it is that Scorpio is the power of interdependence and consolidating, the concept that lifestyle and loss of life must mix for either to have any significance. Type of heavy! So what does this mean more particularly for Gemini? The particular styles that the month’s efforts stimulate in the Gemini solar graph are: reputation, drawback, functionality, pleasure, wellness, and perform.
That indicates controlling bouncing about in a usually Geminian socially-oriented way with receiving for a bit to be present at to realistic issues. Balancing having a fun time and involving your preferred habits with interest to your wellness. Dealing with commitment but not so much that you become invisible and inactive.
More particularly, you may see changes in your office that include co-workers making, lay offs, changes in framework, rumors and innuendo about upcoming shakeups or other improvements that could entice you to get stuck to an harmful level. Indeed, if there is one Gemini weak point when it comes to wellness, it is the tendency to go on the periodic excessive bender and reduce the lightness of contact that keeps your indication important and in existence.
For example, getting up work out is great; training yourself to damage and fatigue — not so much. The periodic round of fear – healthier and sensible – excessive rumination about upcoming catastrophe – not so excellent.
More usually, whatever changes you see in your perform lifestyle (and you are definitely planned to see some in the several weeks ahead), you have still got profession feelings on your part. In the lengthy run, you will do better than excellent, no issue how it looks right now.